
Saturday, August 12, 2017

Meadows Show is on for today

Hey folks, the decision has been made and the weather Gods promise to be kind. We'll see you at 1pm

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Meadows car Show - Saturday August 12th 1pm-4pm

The Meadows Show is closing in on us and it has always proven to be one of our largest events of the season. Mother Nature may throw us a curve with the weather, but fear not, we have a rain date in place for the following day., Sunday August 13th.

Of course, at this point the show is still on for Saturday from 1pm - 4pm and we are looking to fill the area around the pond and the parking lot.

In the event the weather becomes an issue a decision will be made by the club president and within minutes of that decision being made, it will be posted on this site as well as on our Facebook page. A tweet will also be sent to all our twitter followers and an email will go out to all club members.

So if you do not hear from us, the show is on. Please however DO NOT call the club president to get an early heads up.  There is no early heads up as it will be posted immediately upon a decision being made. A phone call only complicates and delays the process for everyone else. We thank you for yor cooperation in this matter.