
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Pikes Creek Cruise Rescheduled for Today

The Twist and Shake Cruise is re-scheduled for Today Sunday July 10th from 4-7. We know how rain and your rides don't mix, so we decided to postpone yesterday's crusie until today. It looks like it will be much better weather as a big downpour came through yesterday late afternoon.

We hope to see you all there.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Spring Travel Cruise is On - Rain, Shine or Snow?

Dust off your ride, check the oil and fill the tank, because "We're Going!" says our fearless leader President Ed. The (hopefully annual) Spring Travel Cruise will be held this Sunday May 15, 2016. As you can see in the picture, Ed is always ready for anything, rain, shine or snow.

It might be a little cold on Sunday, but it looks like we will be able to avoid any rain issues. So as a reminder, we will be meeting at Gunn Brothers Garage in Lehman at 10:00, drivers meeting @ 10:15 and departure will be promptly at 10:30. Itinerary sheets will be available as well. If you arrive late, head out 118 until you catch up with us. We will also be using Channel 1 on the CB's and walkie-talkies if you have one. Cell phone reception is sketchy at best as we get close to our destination and is really non existent in Eagles Mere.

Temperatures will likely start out in the 40's  but climb into the 50's by the afternoon. If your heater is not up to par, you may want to bring a blanket and gloves, or just sit a little closer like you did when you were a teenager.

The plan is to have some coffee and hot chocolate available before we leave. Hopefully we can pull it off. Feel free to bring some doughnuts or other light snack to share with the members.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Another Successful Meeting

Hi Lites hosted their monthly meeting last night @ Grotto Pizza (Harvey's Lake) and had around 25 members present.

Despite all the rain as of late, spirits are still high that the Spring Travel Cruise to Eagles Mere will be a huge success. President Ed informed us that he had to turn away as many as 20 requests to join our cruise from other clubs and car enthusiasts because we already have 30+ cars and 50+ individuals going. There was some discussion about the rain date for the event if one is needed. Ed noted the rain date we picked would not work for the restaurant. Members were also given an Itinerary sheet for the event which included dates, times and routes along with a few simple "Rules of the Road". Because the travel cruise is proving to be such a popular event, Ed informed us that we will be scheduling more like it in the future.

Other topics of discussion included: how to best to honor Jack, the trophy donation from Pizza Perfect, basket raffles, working with other clubs including Lug Nuts,  and some best practices for handling sales and donation during our events.

Once again it was a great gathering of friends and colleagues, with great food and plenty of laughter. As always, we would like to thank Grotto Pizza for their wonderful hospitality.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monthly Meeting Scheduled - Wednesday May 4th 2016

Our next monthly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th starting at 7:00. We meet in the back of the dining area of Grotto Pizza (Harvey's Lake) for about an hour and we should have you on your way by 8:15 at the latest. Many members come early and enjoy a bite to eat together while swapping car stories and picking on Yellow cars".

Anyway, the meeting will no doubt be dominated by discussion of the upcoming Travel Cruise to Eagles Mere Auto Museum. Because of the huge response, our first event is filled to capacity and we are not able to take any more people with us. (The restaurant and museum can only fit 50 people at once). The good news is we should have have around 30 cars traveling down the road in a huge line. Remember, get your CB hooked up and dialed in, because we love to put some chatter over the airways while driving. (they do make handheld CB's for anyone interested in using a CB without mounting a traditional one in their vehicle) What a great event to be part of.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Next Club Meeting Wednesday April 6th

Join us for our next monthly meeting at Grotto Pizza, Harvey's Lake @ 7pm on Wednesday April 6th. If you enjoy talking cars and good laughs, please come a little early and get a bite to eat with several other club members before the meeting starts.

We encourage you to join us and to bring bring a guest with you.

Some of the topics for discussion this month include:

  •   President's List
  •   May 15th Travel Cruise to Eagles Mere Auto Museum
  •   Getting ready for the season
  •   Donation and Door Prize discussion
  •   2016 Flyer distribution
  •   Web and Social Networking updates

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hi-Lites Motor Club is on Facebook

Come be part of one of the hottest car clubs in NEPA. Membership is growing and things are happening. If you love cars and good old fashion family fun, then Hi Lites is the club for you. Our Facebook page keeps members and friends up to date and allows them to be part of the conversation.

Search Facebook for:

HI Lites Motor Club

Join Our Twitter Feed - @hilitesmc

Although our cars are old and many of the members are too, the technology we use is not. The younger members have moved our club into the 21st Century by using a Twitter Feed. This feed will allow us to update members in real time about scheduling changes, announcements, and any other important information the club has. Please join our feed so you are one of the informed.

Our Twitter handle is:


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hi-Lites Says Good-Bye to a Dear Friend

This car may look very familiar to many of you, and is certainly one that club members and fans have come to know and love. This beauty, a 1969 Mustang Grande was owned by one of our most senior members, Jack Judge. Unfortunately, the club and the world lost a wonderful man and a great friend last week as Jack passed away due to medical complications.

Many of you may know Jack as he has been to just about every event Hi-Lites event for the past 10 or more years. Many times Jack would not bring his car but rather let others in the club bring theirs as he would take it upon himself to haul the club trailer to the events. That's just the type of guy Jack was.

Jack served as the Hi-Lites Club President for most of the years he was a member and still served in that role until 2015 when he turned the reigns over to our current, well qualified, President Ed Smith. Under Jack's direction, the club went from having meetings with 5 or 6, to meetings that had 25 or more. In 2014, Jack was one of two members that were inducted as lifetime members into the HI-Lites Motor Club.

Hi-Lites will be forever grateful for the leadership and direction Jack gave us. We will in his memory continue to promote his love of cars along with fun for all ages.

Enjoy your cruising in the sky my friend and thank you for the memories.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

2016 Cruise Flyer Posted

Well the wait is over... the new 2016 Hi-Lites Motor Club Cruise Flyer is now available. Mark these dates in your calendar, because the fun is about to begin shortly.

During the monthly meeting on March 2nd we ratified the 2016 schedule dates, times and locations. We also sang Happy Birthday to a couple of wonderful members. If you haven't been to one of our meetings yet, you'll want to get to the next one. Things are happening with our club and it just keeps getting better and better.

This season we are trying something new with our first cruise. It is really going to be a cruise. We are traveling as a group, to the Eagles Mere Auto Museum. We have done some travel cruises in the past but this one is looking like it may be a record breaker as far as attendance is concerned. We look forward to you joining us. Check our events page for more details.

Last season we worked with some community members and offered Trophies at our cruises in honor and memory of a loved one. If you are interested in having your loved ones name used on a trophy given out at one of our events, please contact us and we will see what we can do to make it work.

We are also looking for some more donations of door prizes and children's raffle gifts. Monetary donations can also be made towards a particular aspect.

Our next meeting is scheduled for April 6th at Grotto Pizza Havey's Lake starting at 7:00pm. All are welcome.