
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunshine at Sheetz

'57 Dodge
One of the most annoying facts about Northeast Pennsylvania is that it will rain in the spring - most of the time!  So when it comes to planning outside events, such as car cruises, it can be very rewarding when you get a “perfectly timed sunshine occurrence”.

Such was the case on Saturday, May 21st for the Hi Lites Motor Club cruise to Sheetz in Trucksville, PA. 

Sandwiched in between several weeks of very bad weather and predictions of more bad weather, the event was held with ample sunshine and moderate temperatures.

Over 40 vehicles attended, with a fine sampling of classic, muscle cars, rods, pickups and a few ‘2 wheelers’.

Pictures have been posted for the event, and may be viewed by following the “Club Pictures” link on the “Photos” page.

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